This is my sweet girl Izzy. She is almost two years old, and it seems like just yesterday she was a puppy. You don't realize how much of a miracle this picture is - the dog does not sit still for anything. She also tries to jump up and get whatever it is that is in your hand, but I decided to brave it and try to get some pictures of her.

It has been so long since I have taken any pictures of her! We got Izzy right after my first dog died at only 8 months old. She was going into the vet's for a routine spaying and never came back. She had to be put back under anesthesia after the surgery due to some complications and then suffered kidney failure and passed away. I was so upset; my husband offered to get me another puppy, but I was still grieving and decided to wait awhile before getting another one. I waited a couple of months and then took him up on his offer. I was checking our local paper for puppies and then came across an ad for some Labrador puppies. Izzy was the only yellow lab they had, the rest were black labs. She was so tiny and adorable - I fell in love right away! She is such a sweet and lively dog, and she always makes me laugh!
She's gorgeous! She looks like quite a handful. Same look that mine has...
She is so cute! I love seeing pictures of other people's animals. I hope to someday own a dog, but for now two cats is all I can handle :)
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