I came across this post on another blog and since I am too tired after getting off of work today to write anything meaningful, I decided to just post this!

A is for Age:- 24
B is for Beer of choice:- Probably Dos Equis or Shiner Bock
C is for what you Can't wait for right now:- A little bit of time to read Twilight
D is for your Dog's name- Izzy
E is for Eggs - how do you like them?:- Scrambled with shredded cheese and Picante sauce on top
F is for Favorite TV show at the moment:- LOST
G is for Guy:- My husband
H is for Home town:- Victoria, TX
I is for Instrument you play:- My voice (the only instrument God made!!)
J is for favorite Juice:- Cran-apple
K is for kids:- none yet
L is for Last food you ate:- Krispy Kreme doughnut (our rep brought them to work today!)
M is for Marriage: -Married February 2006
N is for Name:- Lindsay
O is for Over night hospital stays:- Only staying with family, never me in the hospital
O is for Over night hospital stays:- Only staying with family, never me in the hospital
P is for People you can't live with out:- My family
Q is for favorite Quote:- Dance like no one is watching.
R is for biggest Regret:- Not spending more time with my Grandma before she died.
S is for Something most people would be surprised to learn about you:- I worry about everything. Everyone always tells me that I am so cool and collected, but on the inside I am freaking out! I guess I hide it well.
T is for Time you woke up today:- 4:15am (our earliest surgery day)
U is for UFO's - do you believe in them?:- nope
V is for Veggie you love:- green beans
W is for Worst habit:- procrastination
X is for X-rays you have had:- dislocated wrist and elbow, bruised tailbone
Y is for Yummy food you've had today:- Grilled chicken sandwich and my Krispy Kreme doughnut
Z is for Zodiac sign: Taurus
That was a great idea..Nice to learn a little bit about you..
I am also a worrier...
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