Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Book Sale

I love reading books!  I love to escape deep into another world, one so different from my own.  Four times out of the year our local library hosts a book sale that runs a whole week - and I am in heaven!  All of the books on sale are donated.  They have paperbacks on sale for $.50, hardbacks for $1 and then "special books" (usually the newly released books) for a little more.  The prices are unbelievably low which is why I usually end up with 50 or so books after the week is up!

My Mom and I always go together.  The book sale started yesterday and I was able to meet my Mom up there after work!  I ended up purchasing five books yesterday - I probably would have bought more, but I was so tired from work that I wasn't putting 100% into searching. I'm going to try to go one more time during the week and then definitely on Saturday.

Saturdays are the last day of the sale and they kind of want to get rid of the books that didn't sell during the week, so you can buy one of their "Friends of the Library" book bags for like $5 and fill it up with as many books as you can shove in there for only $1!!!  How awesome is that?!  You can dump your books in your car and come back as many times as you want filling the bag up for only $1.  I bought one of the bags a couple years ago, so I just take it along with me on Saturday!


Cherry Tart Design said...

I'm a book lover too! Our library has a few shelves just for their 'sale' books. We can get paperbacks for 25 cents and hard covers for 50 cents. I just picked up a bunch the other day, including a huge hard cover scrapbooking idea book for my daughter! Most of my friends are avid readers so we're always trading off too. It's a great way to recycle and enjoy a good book!

Meredith said...

Someday I'm going with you! The Lobster Chronicles sounds interesting. You'll have to let me know how it is...